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Tuesday, October 1

9:00am GMT+08

1-Day Training: Red Teaming the Software Supply Chain
Tuesday October 1, 2024 9:00am - 5:00pm GMT+08
***Training tickets require a separate ticket purchase than the conference***

The software supply chain is under increasing threat. New attacks and threats have popped up that we couldn't have imagined even two years ago. Total attacks on the software supply chain are increasing by more than 730% year on year since 2019.  One way for organizations to combat this growing threat is to empower their offensive security teams to test the software supply chains for that organization.  But many offensive security teams are ill-prepared to tackle this new attack surface so that’s why I created this training curriculum.

The purpose of this training is to help security practitioners learn how to expand the scope of their knowledge and toolkit to address the security posture of a specific software supply chain (SSC).   I will show them a framework (TVPO) that will show them how to assess and test existing supply chains via focused red-teaming activities.

This framework helps red-teamers learn how software is created by identifying how a target writes, builds and deploys its applications.   Not all existing red-teamers will know how this process works, so we will use a typical CI/CD workflow as an example.  Are malicious actors targeting your customers?  Are they targeting your tech stack or are they targeting you for political reasons?  Do they want your source code?  Do they want access to the data you have?  These are important questions to ask and talk about with your red team because they help the team identify and assess risk for their organizations specific circumstances, which then allows them to prioritize their operations.

This presentation will rely heavily on the Visualizing Software Supply Chain document and its in-depth description of the ten stages of the software supply chain:  People, local requirements, source code, integration, deployment, runtime, hardware, DNS, services and cloud.

We will go through the different stages of the SSC and talk about the different security controls that exist at each stage.   We will reference the OSC&R framework to identify specific attack vectors and security controls for a target software supply chain.  From that insight will come an understanding of the weaknesses and attack vectors available against that target.

Finally, in the second half of the day we will get very hands on and learn how to craft attacks for different stages of the software supply chain.  

This 8 hour training session will have 4 main takeaways:

  1. How broad the software supply chain is. There is a LOT of attack surface across the whole of the software supply chain.
  2. How to use the TVPO methodology to threat model a specific software supply chain. What are attackers looking for?
  3. The participants will learn a framework to build their red team infrastructure and functions, so they can run offensive operations against different types of software supply chains.  
  4. Finally, we will work with a custom built interactive CTF that I built just for this training session.  The audience will be able to enjoy an interactive red team engagement against a real open-source project.
avatar for Paul McCarty

Paul McCarty

Founder, SourceCodeRED
Paul is a DevSecOps OG and has built a reputation for delivering offensive security functions for (and against!) the software supply chain. He founded SecureStack, a pioneering cloud-native software supply chain security startup in 2017. More recently, he's founded SourceCodeRED a... Read More →
Tuesday October 1, 2024 9:00am - 5:00pm GMT+08
Level 3 Jasmine Ballroom 3805 Marina Bay Sands Singapore
Wednesday, October 2

10:45am GMT+08

Enhancing Kubernetes Security: File Integrity Monitoring with eBPF
Wednesday October 2, 2024 10:45am - 11:25am GMT+08
In this session we will leverage the Extended Berkeley Packet Filter (eBPF) technology for enhanced File Integrity Monitoring (FIM) solution for Kubernetes. This talk will cover the basics of eBPF, its advantages over traditional FIM methods, and practical implementation techniques. We will showcase OWASP KubeFIM which is an open source FIM solution for Kubernetes, and discuss future prospects for eBPF in security applications. Attendees will gain practical knowledge on setting up eBPF for FIM, understanding its benefits, and navigating potential challenges.
avatar for Abhijit Chatterjee

Abhijit Chatterjee

Independent Consultant
As an independent infrastructure and security consultant, I specialize in helping organizations optimize their development operations and fortify their security posture.
Wednesday October 2, 2024 10:45am - 11:25am GMT+08
Room: Jasmine Ballroom Marina Bay Sands Convention Center

1:10pm GMT+08

Unlocking the Gates - Understanding Authentication Bypass Vulnerabilities
Wednesday October 2, 2024 1:10pm - 2:00pm GMT+08
During the session, I will present an extensive array of over 15 distinct techniques and vulnerabilities that can be exploited for authentication bypass or account takeover. Some of the vulnerabilities I will cover include Session Puzzling, Session Fixation, Rate Limit Bypasses, Broken Brute-Force Protection, 2FA/OTP Misconfigurations, HTTP-Parameter Pollution, PHP Type Juggling, and many more. These insights will provide attendees with a comprehensive understanding of the various methods used by attackers to compromise authentication mechanisms and take control of user accounts.
avatar for Vikas Khanna

Vikas Khanna

Technical Specialist, Privasec
I am specialized in Web Application and API Security Assessments, with extensive experience across various industries including Finance, E-Commerce, Employee Management, Food, Beverages, and Fitness. My successful bug bounty hunting endeavours have led to the discovery of security... Read More →
Wednesday October 2, 2024 1:10pm - 2:00pm GMT+08
Room: Jasmine Ballroom Marina Bay Sands Convention Center

2:05pm GMT+08

Hunting for 0 & 1days by tracking Out of Bound Requests
Wednesday October 2, 2024 2:05pm - 2:40pm GMT+08
Out of Bound (OOB) tools (such as Interact.sh, Burp collaborator, etc) are powerful tools for penetration testers who want to find and exploit blind vulnerabilities. Blind vulnerabilities are those that do not show any output in the response, making them hard to detect and OOB tools can make the vulnerable server send a request to a controlled server, where the tool can capture the request and reveal the vulnerability. OOB tools are especially useful for finding SSRF, SQLi, XXE, RCE vulnerabilities, and can also be used to exfiltrate data from the target. They are often used in manual penetration testing activities where pentesters or attackers send requests to the web server using these tools to identify the presence of vulnerability. This happened in Log4J and Text4shell vulnerability exploitation too where mass scanning took place. In this talk, we will discuss about how to effectively leverage this known concept of Out of band testing to identify security vulnerabilities that are actively being tested for or exploited using techniques such as process hierarchy validation, request baselining, etc. In this talk, we will also discuss how to identify and hunt for OOB adversarial infrastructure using techniques such as response fingerprinting, network analysis, and process execution logs. This will help them identify attacks known or unknown against web applications. The talk will also cover some case studies of real-world attacks where OOB tools were used or detected. This talk will give you a comprehensive overview of the various techniques that can be used by defenders to detect unusual out of bound requests originating out of web applications.

Surya Subhash

Security Researcher, Microsoft
Subhash is a Security Engineer with Microsoft. Previously, he was a Red Teamer with EY & PwC (India practices). He's a blue teamer by day and a security researcher & red teamer by the night. He is passionate about security research and creating new tools. He was a bug bounty hunter... Read More →
Wednesday October 2, 2024 2:05pm - 2:40pm GMT+08
Room: Jasmine Ballroom Marina Bay Sands Convention Center

4:30pm GMT+08

The Dark Side of AI: Exploring Adversarial Threats
Wednesday October 2, 2024 4:30pm - 5:10pm GMT+08
As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes an integral part of our digital landscape, the looming threat of adversarial attacks casts a shadow over its immense potential. This presentation takes a technical deep dive into the evolving landscape of AI security and the relentless tactics employed by adversaries to exploit vulnerabilities. Attendees will gain insights into the various attacker strategies including OWASP LLM TOP 10, and security flaws in LLM frameworks that are exploitable. Moreover, there will be demos of adversarial AI attacks on POC applications. Demos covered include the Fast Gradient Sign Method (FGSM), Prompt injection to Code execution, Poisoning Training Data, Model Serialization Attacks, and SQL injection in LLM applications. The session aims to equip attendees with a comprehensive understanding of the adversarial tactics prevalent in AI security and empower them to guard against the shadows that threaten AI systems.
avatar for Alex Devassy

Alex Devassy

security engineer, AppViewX India
Alex is a senior security engineer at AppViewX India, specializing in penetration testing to enhance application security. He's passionate about researching new attack vectors in focused technology domains. Among his achievements, he co-authored the chapter "Safeguarding Blockchains... Read More →
Wednesday October 2, 2024 4:30pm - 5:10pm GMT+08
Room: Jasmine Ballroom Marina Bay Sands Convention Center